Thursday, March 17, 2016

Korean Beauty

You know I tried to deny the fact that I love blogging but I just can't help it. It combines all the loves of my life into one place.

I survived my year in Korea with hardly any blogging, made myself a boyfriend, moved home, and am currently in my last stretch of my visit to Seoul.

Speaking of Seoul, since coming here my love, affinity, and deep respect for Korean skin care has returned. I can't believe the number of articles I've read in magazines that touch on the forward thinking and risk taking nature of Korean cosmetics and skincare without ever giving credit to the labels here that supply the ideas. I always read about a western equivalent and I'm gonna be honest with you; they don't match up!

Korean skin is famous for a reason. Women here truly view it as a ritual to be treated with real respect. Massages, face stones, masks, ampoules, essences, mists, lotions, moisturizers... The list goes on and on. They have morning and nighttime routines and it's not just the women-- men contribute just as much effort. I have purchased so many goodies I can't wait to review and I've thought of so many make-up looks I want to try.

To keep up to date on my life make sure to check out my snapchat (juliakinsley) and my Instagram (Juliakingsley)

My computer broke while here so this update is being done through my phone. But I'll be up and running again soon! I'll list the product sources when I have a normal format.

Happy weekend everyone!

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