Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fun with Shutterspeed and Lightning

Today in Dallas was what I would say the beginning of the spring showers... also known as tornadoes.
(flash of bright lightning in the sky. this was taken at about 11pm)
I've gotten used to the weird colored sky and the insane rain, but most people from out of town are pretty scared by it. The good thing about it (other than making for perfect cozy weather) is it pours and pours. I love a good rainstorm, especially with thunder and lightning. I decided to take some ghostly photos in the dark, just for fun.
I haven't done a project like this since high school, and I always thought they were so much fun, playing with shutter speed and the like. It would have been even more fun if I had dressed up for it and not been in post-workout/ shower clothes, but oh well!
I've been studying as hard as ever trying to wrap up my online classes. I still have quite a ways to go, but at least I'm nearing the end of one more class, which is always good. Two more to go, and not much time to do them in. So I'm definitely starting to feel the pressure.
Hope everyone is doing well! I've got some exciting trips coming up and I can't wait for all the photos to come.  xx

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