Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dealing with Tangled Pool Hair

If any of you are like me, you have a love / hate relationship with summer. I live in Texas, so things that suck about summer time here are:
- mosquitos
- humidity
- lack of rain
- hot cars that burn the bottom of your legs
- sweating

But there are so many other things that I love about summer, one of them being swimming. Swimming to me is just quintessential summer. I just think watermelon, sunblock, laughter, and that wonderful feeling of burning your feet against he pavement and then jumping into those cool chlorinated waves of water. An unfortunate side effect of swimming is what becomes of my hair. It gets kind of sticky and dry, it does weird things, and it becomes a nightmare to brush. I for one always loathed getting out of the pool and dealing with my chlorinated hair. It just becomes dull, dull, dull.

About a year and a half ago, I was perusing the counters of Nordstrom's when I came upon this little gem. Let me show you:

This product is by Frederic Fekkai and it's called Marine Summer Hair: Beachcomber leave-in conditioner. It smells so summery and good, no lie, I love love LOVE the smell of this stuff. It's my favorite of any hair care product that I own. It just smells right, you know what I mean? Anyway, it has liquid that separates, so when you are done swimming, playing in the ocean, or even showering you just:

Shake the bottle
Hold about six inches away from your head
Gently mist, paying close attention to the tangles near the tips and in the middle of your hair!
Avoid your eyes
Smell amazing

That's it. Put a brush through that hair and it will smell instantly better.
I don't think this product is necessarily the best for moisture control, so if dry hair in the summer is your problem, this won't be the solution for you. However, if you deal with tangled and dull hair, this product will for sure bring life back into those roots and bonus- it leaves you smelling amazing.

*Note: I've had some trouble finding this on the Fekkai website, so I'm not sure if it's not in their line anymore, but it's available online at several places, just search for Frederic Fekkai Beach Comber Leave-In Conditioner. The link will take you to an example on Amazon.
** I wasn't paid to endorse this product. I doubt Frederic Fekkai even knows who I am. I bought this with my own money as a college student, so don't worry about me trying to peddle a product I don't like.

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