Friday, August 2, 2013

Paris, Paris

Did you think I'd given up on my blog? Never! My life has been very hectic for the past few weeks and it has been so hard to even complete normal tasks like washing my face... but now I am back on routine.

This isn't the first time I've been to Paris, but it is probably the most explorative. I've been to the cliche places so many times, this trip I decided I wanted to get lost down streets, find vrai shopping a la parisienne, and just generally find a joy in living because let's face it, living at home with your parents post college can cause quite the slump.
my view, spices, galeries lafayette. I love the place but oh my gosh the crowds. The crowds.

So far we have visited Meaux and Provins, tomorrow we are going to Auver-sur-Oise where Van Gogh is buried. I've gone up Rue Montparnasse and Rue du Rennes, been to Tuileries, through the Marais quite often... it's definitely been fun! More photos and more information to come, just thought I'd say hi to everyone and that yes, I'm alive.

Oh also, doing hair and make up here is impossible for two reasons. First, French women don't really wear make-up and they don't really need to because they are so naturally beautiful. So when I wear make-up I feel so awkward here. And second of all, it is SO hot here with no air conditioning and so much walking... the make-up looks so crazy by the end of the day. Now to check on everyone's blogs!


1 comment

  1. I am going to be going to Paris in a week and a half!! I went to Dubai and Abu dhabi back in May and in Feb went to Vegas. I will be blogging when I get there and posting photos :) hope you check it out.

    We all get into a funk at some point. Hopefully things get going for you again :)


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