Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Obession with Miley's (old) Style Continues

Before Miley Cyrus cut off all her hair and bought those pair of doc martins and never looked back, she had this sweet "julia spot" of fashion that I was just diiiigggiinnnng. 
Her look is a little extreme for me now (though I will give her props for being confident and wearing what she wants), but here is one look I never fully recovered from. Be still my heart:
MAHHHHHH. Those shoes. Those tops. It's weekend casual, I think it's just so... mm. I love the colors, and I've been obsessed with those shoes since I saw this photo like a year ago. I searched for them and found out they were Chloe. Of course, how could I be so stupid! 
AND NOW Yoox has them on their website. They have them in black and in tan. AND they have an extra 10% off this weekend. And I just got paid. And, yeah, ok, I've spent so much money today and maybe impulse bought too much, but... come on. That's a good deal for some shoes that I adore. Right? 
I will resist impulse buying and sleep on it. But I really do love those shoes. 
(photo courtesy of urbansyparis)

How's everyone's weekend been so far? Obviously mine has been busy with online shopping. I have so many trips coming up, I feel like my brain is going to explode as I try to budget everything! 

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